Vos’s Natural Theology

We are honored at Reformation Heritage Books, working in conjunction with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, to bring into print Gerhardus Vos’s “Natural Theology,” which includes an excellent 54-page introduction by J. V. Fesko and a helpful foreword by Richard Muller. Albert Gootjes translated it well from the Dutch language. This book is the fruit of the recent discovery of Vos’s lectures on natural theology in the Heritage Hall archives at Calvin Seminary. This book serves well as a partial introduction to the author’s recently published Reformed systematic theology—and is a must read for those interested in reading Vos on religion and proofs for the existence of God.

Petrus van Mastricht’s Systematic Theology

“…take Mastricht for divinity in general, doctrine, practice & controversy, or as an universal system of divinity; & it is much better than Turretin or any other book in the world, excepting the Bible, in my opinion.”

— Jonathan Edwards to Joseph Bellamy, January 15, 1747

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