Reformed Experiential Teaching at TMS

I am enjoying teaching my Reformed Experiential Preaching class to about 50 doctoral students (photo 1) from The Master’s Seminary (associated with Dr. John MacArthur). Today I am finishing teaching about what it means to preach experientially in a biblical way, and I am focusing on the experiential aspect of preaching in the sermons of John Calvin, John Bunyan, and Samuel Davies. Lots of good questions are being asked both in class and during break times (photo 2). Tomorrow evening I am preaching for Dr. MacArthur, and then my lectures for the REP class conclude with six more hours of teaching on Monday and Tuesday, D.V.

Here is Mary standing in front of some beautiful old trees, with our hotel in the background (photo 3). Our room is on the sixteenth floor overlooking beautiful mountains to the east (photo 4).

The Queen in Denver!

My Queen on a ski lift yesterday in Denver en route with me to Los Angeles, where I am to teach Dr. John MacArthur’s doctoral students a course on Reformed experiential preaching this weekend and preach for Dr. MacArthur on this Lord’s day evening.

Pre-Marital Counseling via Zoom! (A First for Me)

Well, after 45 years of ministry, I did another “first” last night–a three-hour premarital counseling session over Zoom with a lovely couple, Luke, who is completing his study to be a medical doctor, and Sara, a young God-fearing woman from Brazil. They were not able to meet with me in Grand Rapids, so I was able to connect over Zoom with them in Kentucky. I hope to have the privilege of officiating their marriage in March, the Lord willing. Please pray for them that all the necessary paperwork will be in place by the time of their desired date for a wedding.

Quote of the Week— January 4, 2023

Here’s a quote from my most recent sermon, “How Will You Begin 2023–By Needing God?” You can listen to the sermon here:

Fellowship with the VanBeeks!

Had a good time of fellowship over dinner last evening with Mary’s sister, Linda VanBeek, and her husband, Pete, who are from South Dakota. Pete is a truck driver, a real thinker, and an avid theological reader, so he loves to talk about God-glorifying theology.

Happy Birthday, Lydia!

Dear Lydia, Happy 27th birthday to you in faraway Alberta! We miss you and love you so much, together with your dear husband Isaac, your precious son, Abraham, and the baby that you expect in two weeks, D.V.! Thank you so much for being such a special daughter to us, as well as a special wife and mommy. May God bless you abundantly in your new home and as a minister’s wife, and give you a wonderful year ahead. Thanks too, for being such a kind and beautiful daughter for us for all the years we had you at home, and for all the kisses you would give me as a little girl when I would come home from work (including the unforgettable day you gave me 500 in less than 10 minutes)! We love you for the gifts God has given you as well—your giving nature, your artistic bent, your sensitivity to others! Have a wonderful evening!

New Year’s Services

As we close out this year and begin another, you are welcome to join us in person or via This evening, I hope to preach in our Heritage Reformed church in Grand Rapids at 7:00 p.m. on “How Will You Finish 2022?” and then at 6:00 p.m. on New Year’s Day on “How Will You Begin 2023?” I wish you and yours a blessed new year in Immanuel, God with us! You can join the live stream here:

Prayers for the New Year

We in Grand Rapids had remarkable weather in the last days: a three-day snowstorm with low temperatures that resulted in two feet of lake effect snow (and huge snow piles, photo 1), followed by days of rain with temperatures reaching 50 degrees that quickly swept the snow away, and now finally, a day of no precipitation. How great and diverse our God is! As we walk through the last day of another year, let us stand in amazement at God’s goodness to us despite our ongoing unworthiness of His grace and mercy. Can we ever fathom why God has blessed us so much in and through Christ who has borne our griefs, carried our sorrows, interceded continually, loved fully, tendered us with His chastening hand, tailored our afflictions, and supplied us with coping strength? Why is God so much better to us than we are to Him?As we cross the threshold of 2022 into 2023, let us pray for grace to run the race set before us better, but only through Christ’s strength, making mention of His righteousness, even of His only (Ps. 71:16), expecting all we need from Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday and today and forever.Will you pray with me: Enfold us, Lord Jesus, in Thy shepherding arms; let us hear Thy high priestly beating heart. Pencil upon us the image of Thyself, and ripen us for eternal communion with Thee.

A Beautiful Wedding

Mary and I drove to the area of Flint, Michigan to lead a rehearsal for Luke Henig and Miranda Maynard last evening. This afternoon, I delivered the wedding message on “God’s Recipe for a Happy Marriage,” based on Psalm 37:3-7—a recipe with four ingredients: (1) trust in the Lord, (2) delight in the Lord, (3) commit your way to the Lord, and (4) rest in the Lord for this God-fearing couple (photo 1). Miranda’s father, Rev. Eric Maynard, a good friend of mine, led the couple through the wedding vows. In photo 2, we are with Luke and Miranda and Julie and Eric Maynard. We enjoyed the wedding reception with three generations of the Maynard family, including three sisters who thoroughly enjoyed being flower girls (photo 3). Will you pray with me that Luke and Miranda will have a truly blessed marriage in the fear of God, the grace of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit?   

A Wonderful Evening with Family

Wonderful evening last night at our children’s home singing meaningful and theologically deep Christmas carols with a few dozen family members—our own children and grandchildren together with several family members from my wife’s side of the family from as far away as North Carolina and Texas—including our pianist niece who, together with her husband, drove their family all the way through last Friday’s intense blizzard to arrive safely here. I wish you all a blessed time with your families, and above all, with the triune God—and a blessed 2023 in Immanuel (Phil. 4:19).