A moment of serendipity yesterday: after spending my morning at Reformation Heritage Books meeting with Witte Tours for our next trip to Israel (D.V., in May of 2023—write Ann Dykema (ann.dykema@prts.edu) to be put on the mailing list if you would like to receive a flyer on this trip in a few months) and then meeting to discuss a variety of incoming manuscripts for possible publication, I stopped on the way home at the nearby Chik-fil-A, where two ministers (photo) introduced themselves to me, thanking me for my writing ministry. They told me that they had just driven all the way from Toronto (where they are planting a church 360 miles from here) for the sole purpose of visiting our new Reformation Heritage Books store. Wow—720 miles for soul-enlarging books—that’s great! It was good to have a prayer together. Isn’t it amazing that God knows how to send people into our lives at just the right moment to encourage us on our way through Vanity Fair to the Celestial City?