A Providential Encounter

A moment of serendipity yesterday: after spending my morning at Reformation Heritage Books meeting with Witte Tours for our next trip to Israel (D.V., in May of 2023—write Ann Dykema (ann.dykema@prts.edu) to be put on the mailing list if you would like to receive a flyer on this trip in a few months) and then meeting to discuss a variety of incoming manuscripts for possible publication, I stopped on the way home at the nearby Chik-fil-A, where two ministers (photo) introduced themselves to me, thanking me for my writing ministry. They told me that they had just driven all the way from Toronto (where they are planting a church 360 miles from here) for the sole purpose of visiting our new Reformation Heritage Books store. Wow—720 miles for soul-enlarging books—that’s great! It was good to have a prayer together. Isn’t it amazing that God knows how to send people into our lives at just the right moment to encourage us on our way through Vanity Fair to the Celestial City?

Contending for the Faith: The Story of the Westminster Assembly

I am grateful to announce that Reformation Heritage Books has released a new book for children (ages 7-14): “Contending for the Faith: The Story of the Westminster Assembly,” coauthored by Bill Boekestein and me, and illustrated by Naomi Kamphuis (36 pages). Chad Van Dixhoorn writes that this book “tells children what the Westminster Assembly was and what it did. Key people are introduced. Colorful pictures illustrate a simplified story. Important quotes teach life lessons about doctrine, the church, and worship.”


Last Leg of a Weekend Trip to Alberta, Canada

The Queen and I are presently in Minneapolis hoping to arrive home shortly after midnight. We are on the last leg of a weekend trip to Alberta, Canada, where I was privileged to preach five times (New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and the first Lord’s Day of the year): once in a rented building for a few hundred people in Picture Butte, who are starting a church plant (I was flanked by elk trophy mounts—photo 1, but the Lord was present!); once for the Trinity URC of Lethbridge to about 450 people (photo 2); and three times at Bethel Free Reformed Church in Monarch to several hundred attendees. I felt helped throughout this rather intense schedule.

We also enjoyed our time with our gracious hosts, Clarence and Johanna Arnoldussen (photo 3), as well as meeting many friends old and new. Our only regret was not having time to visit with several friends due to lack of time. The Lord was good to us, however, throughout this trip.

Every blessing to you and your loved ones in Immanuel for 2022! May Christ Jesus increasingly become your all-in all throughout this year.

Family Worship is not the Church’s Job!

I feel very strongly about the need for Christians to restore the family altar in the home with the father leading family worship each day. Here is a one minute clip from my recent address on this subject at the Foundations Conference in South Carolina two weeks ago.


Alex and Grace Engelsma

Last night we had another wonderful couple from our church get married—Alex Engelsma and Grace Vroegindewey (photo 1). My colleague, Dr. Kuivenhoven, gave a beautiful message on abiding in Christ’s love from John 15:9. Afterward they were sent off surrounded by all the guests holding sparklers—including the Queen and me (photo 2).

Please pray that Alex and Grace will have a life-long Christ-centered, Word-based, God-glorifying marriage of genuine love.

Puritans, Preaching, and Productivity Podcast

In this Apple Podcast, Kevin DeYoung and Justin Taylor interview me about the theological and historical world of the Puritans in which I provide reading suggestions for both beginners and experts. I also talk about improving your preaching through the use of expository and experiential content.


Interview – Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 3: Spirit and Salvation

In this interview with Zach McCulley of the New Books In Christian Studies podcast, I discuss the release of Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 3: Spirit and Salvation.


God’s Amazing Timing!

Just had an enjoyable time meeting and holding the precious new baby girl (named Rachel) of one of our Brazilian theological students (the third child of Israel and Larissa—on the right). I also enjoyed meeting Israel’s mother, who as a pastor’s wife in Brazil, often speaks at women’s conferences, and Israel’s brother, who also feels called to ministry (on the left). Twenty minutes after Israel completed this semester’s worth of work a few weeks ago, his wife went into labor and their little Rachel was soon born—God’s amazing timing!

Weekly Sermon Quote – December 26, 2021

The Importance of Family Worship

I feel very strongly about the need for Christians to restore the family altar in the home with the father leading family worship each day. Here is a one minute clip from my recent address on this subject at the Foundations Conference in South Carolina ten days ago.
