Happy Birthday to My Queen

Here is a picture of my Queen taken in a museum in Indonesia a few weeks ago. Today I want to wish her a warm and blessed 63rd birthday:Mary, next to Christ Himself, you are God’s very best gift to me. You model Christlike servanthood, integrity, godliness, and kindness. You are more special than special; you are my better ¾, my tender-hearted, God-fearing, help-perfectly-meet for me woman. You pack our days, weeks, months, and years with love, understanding, wisdom, and pleasure.

Your unflagging support and undying loyalty are treasured. You are the sunshine of my life in winter’s cold blasts. Even the simple things of life—like talking and walking—are pure pleasure when I am with you. I’m afraid that I have become almost totally co-dependent on you! Thanks so much for being by far and away my best friend and confidant, and my spiritual partner.

Thanks too for being my traveling partner and for never getting tired of my sermons! I am unworthy of you, but I want you to know that I love you—your soul and your smile—more than you know. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I’m so very glad you are Mary Beeke.

Last Day to Register for the Puritan Conference

Today is the last day to sign up for the premier Puritan Conference in Los Angeles, October 5 to 7. You won’t want to miss this conference with its rich topics and gifted speakers, but you must sign up before midnight today!

Learn more and register here.

Dr. Bruce Baugus

We are grateful that Dr. Bruce Baugus is now teaching systematic theology, ethics, and apologetics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary on a full-time basis. Pray that he will be a great blessing to Puritan Reformed and that we will be a blessing to him.

Providentially, I am also grateful that Reformation Heritage Books has just published Dr. Bruce Baugus’s groundbreaking work, “The Roots of Reformed Moral Theology,” which traces the story of the development of moral theology from its biblical roots up to the time of the Reformation, showing how a distinctively Reformed moral theology arose. I found this book to be a fascinating read, and so will you if you are interested in the ethics of Reformed theology. Highly recommended!

Learn more here.

New Book from RHB––The Excellencies of God

I am grateful that Reformation Heritage Books has just released “The Excellencies of God” by Terry Johnson, friend and pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, Georgia. I love this book. It expands the mind and lifts up the heart with the best of topics: the doctrine of God. Just as the Lord both reveals Himself as the I AM and promises “I am with you,” so Dr. Terry Johnson’s book helps us to see both who God is and who He is for us in Christ. So take up and read about the excellencies of your God, dear Christian, but do not just read—meditate, marvel and worship!

Learn more here.

Conclusion of 2022 Springfield, Illinois Bible Conference

This morning I gave two more addresses (“Ten Ways to Enrich Your Marriage” and “Leading Family Worship”) for the “2022 Springfield, Illinois Bible Conference” on the subject of “The Christian Family,” organized by the pastor of Faith Bible Church, Dr. Curt Daniel. In photo 1, I am with Curt (with whom I have a 30-year friendship) in his outstanding study, and in photo 2, with pastor Brandon Richie who wonderfully survived a stroke some months ago and is now nearly fully recuperated. In addition to shepherding his flock, he is taking some long-distance courses from Puritan Reformed Seminary. Mary and I enjoyed time with him and his wife Liz.

After a flurry of book-selling with Mary that followed my last address, we packed up the remaining books this afternoon, and made the 7 hour trek back to Grand Rapids, arriving home just a few minutes ago. On the way home, the Queen insisted that I take a picture of an old car that passed us which reminded her of the Volvo that she owned (and loved!) when we were newlyweds (photo 3).

Every blessing to you and yours for the Lord’s Day tomorrow.

Travels to Springfield, Illinois

On the road again! A quick drive down to Springfield, Illinois to do a conference for my good friend Curt Daniel at Faith Bible Church. Our van is loaded with books to sell on this beautiful September day!

Lord’s Day in Hamden, Connecticut

Yesterday I preached twice for the Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hamden, Connecticut (photo 1) on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of their church. I preached in the morning on “Cherishing the Church Militant” and in the evening on “Cherishing the Church Triumphant.” It was great to see one of our PRTS alumni in the evening with his wife, Pastor Charles and Lilian Oliveira (photo 2). Charles pastors an OPC church in New York, an 80-minute drive from Hamden, and came with several office-bearers and members of his flock. We enjoyed our Lord’s Day with this appreciative flock, particularly with the pastor and his wife, Jon and Sherry Holst (photo 3), who were exceedingly gracious to us.

Church History by Simonetta Carr

A few days ago Reformation Heritage Books released, in my opinion, our most beautifully laid out book we have ever done: Simonetta Carr’s new “Church History,” which is packed with photographs and illustrations together with well-written, succinct summaries of hundreds of events in church history covering the last two thousand years. Kudos are in order to Simonetta, our typesetting team, and the printer. I had the privilege of editing this volume and can affirm that it is a storehouse of valuable information that can be read by children and young people from ten years of age and up as well as by adults. If you ever wanted a gripping, easy-to-read, basic book on church history, this is exactly what you are looking for—both for the children you may be homeschooling and for yourself as an adult. Highly recommended on the back cover by Rosaria Butterfield as well as by able historians like Michael Haykin and Carl Trueman!

Learn more here.

Sing! Conference

Mary and I spent yesterday at the Sing Conference in Nashville, which was attended by 7,700 people (photo 1) in the beautiful Gaylord Opryland Convention Center (photo 2). It was a busy day for me: I was privileged to speak on “The Prayer Life of the Christian Leader” to a large breakout session (photo 3), met with some editors at Crossway (including Justin Taylor) to talk about future writing projects (which includes Paul Smalley and I hoping to write a one volume Reformed Systematic Theology of about 800 pages at a layman’s level which will be a simplified, abridged version of our four volume RST), did a recorded address for Crossway on ten reasons why Christians should study theology and another impromptu podcast on why and how Calvin and the Puritans were evangelistic, spent several hours selling books at the Reformation Heritage Books table, and then Mary and I closed out the evening by spending a few hours visiting with Mark Dever, sharing with each other how the Lord has converted us and getting to know each other better (photo 4).

Kamp Family Get-together

My wife’s family (the Kamp family) had its first get-together in seven years (photo 1). It was great to see scores of relatives that we had not seen for a long time, ranging in age from two weeks to 97 years (photo 2)!