St. Andrews Chapel on the Lord’s Day

We had a full Lord’s Day yesterday. I preached twice in the morning to about 1400 people on “Promoting Evangelism in the Family” for Rev. Burk Parsons at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Lake Mary, Florida (also where Dr. R. C. Sproul preached)(photo 1). Afterwards we had excellent fellowship with a number of people, including friends from Grand Rapids like Dwight and Liz Prince and other old and new friends from Florida, and then spent a few hours in a side-room at the church with Adrian and Claire Slootmaker over Claire’s delicious, homemade lunch (photo 2).

A few hours later, we drove to the Orlando Reformed Presbyterian Church (photo 3) where I preached the early evening service for close to 100 people who are being pastored by Dr. Nathan Eshelman, one of our PRTS graduates who earned two degrees from us. It was great to be with him and his wife Lydia (photo 4), to witness them in the setting of their flock, and to fellowship for an hour afterward with a goodly number of his parishioners.

Please pray for God to be the “after-preacher,” as our Dutch forefathers often said, and also to bless all the encouraging fellowship we had—including the opportunity to pray with a number of people and to hear how God has used our labors in the past to assist various souls in times of need. Those encouragements are always humbling to me. God is good!   

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