GRPT Conference (Eventually!)

Up at 3:45 this morning to catch the early flight to Greenville, South Carolina, but the plane had mechanical problems so we missed our connecting flight. We ended up taking three flights in all and not arriving at the church until 3:00 p.m. Happily, my addresses were scheduled for tomorrow.
This year’s Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (GPTS) conference which is on the critical subject of the attributes of God, sold out early (room for 500 attendees)(photo 1). We heard that the addresses we missed went well. Other speakers include Scott Cook, James Dolezal, Jonathan Master, Ryan McGraw, Fred Sanders, and Decherd Stevens. 
We enjoyed having dinner this evening at the home of GPTS’s president and his wife, Dr. Jonathan (photo 2) and Elizabeth Master, together with all the speakers and some of their wives. Afterwards, we were blessed by Dr. Master’s edifying sermon on the wisdom of God from Romans 11:33-36, and then thoroughly enjoyed visiting with about a dozen old friends, such as Dr. Mark and Terry Emery (photo 3) and one of our PRTS graduates, Jager, and his wife, Jemima (photo 4), as well as some Brazilian friends. 
Pray for me please as I deliver the last two addresses of the conference tomorrow morning, D.V.—one on God’s holiness and the second on God’s love. 

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