Archives for March 17, 2023

The Collected Works of Thomas Boston (12 Volumes)!

The Collected Works of Thomas Boston (12 Volumes)!
Now available:
I am very excited to announce that we have just reprinted “The Works of Thomas Boston” (Reformation Heritage Books, 12 volumes, 7500 pages). This reprint is worth its weight in gold. Boston is definitely one of my top five writers in all of church history.

His first two volumes on the Westminster Shorter Catechism and his volumes on the covenant of works and the covenant of grace as well as some of his smaller classics like “The Crook in the Lot” and “The Art of Man-fishing” are unsurpassed. His scores of sermons are models of sound exegesis combined with Christ-centered experiential piety and admonition. His notes accompanying Fisher’s “Marrow of Modern Divinity” have been highly regarded by tens of thousands over the centuries. And his premier classic, “Human Nature in its Fourfold State,” is one of a kind—it pleased God to use this book greatly in my life to convict me of original sin and thereby drive me out of myself to cry out, “Give me Jesus, else I die,” when I was fifteen years old.

This new edition of Boston’s works also contains an 18-page introduction in volume 1 to Boston’s life and theology by Randall Pederson and me. Very highly recommended! If you can purchase one set of books this year, let this be the one!

“Patrick of Ireland” by Simonetta Carr

Patrick of Ireland by Simonetta Carr:

Simonetta Carr’s new children’s book on “Patrick of Ireland” has just been released by Reformation Heritage Books. Jonny Gibson rightly notes that she “does a wonderful job of setting Patrick in the historical context and culture of fourth-century Ireland without losing the drama of his life and ministry.”