Archives for March 16, 2023

Second Annual Greenville Family Conference | Faith FPC

Mary and I hope to fly to Greenville, South Carolina again tomorrow. On Saturday from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m., I hope to speak on three topics on Growing in Christ for the “Second Annual Greenville Family Conference” held at Faith Free Presbyterian Church (FFPC), 1207 Haywood Road, Greenville: Growing in Holiness, Growing in a Healthy Marriage, and Growing in Leading My Family. I also hope to speak twice on Lord’s Day morning for Rev. Armen Thomassian at FFPC and then for Rev. Rob McCurley from the Free Church of Scotland Continuing in Greenville at 2:00 p.m.

You can see the schedule and register free for the conference here:

Please pray that God will add His blessing.