Archives for March 15, 2023

Wedding Planning (with Charles Spurgeon?)!

Last night the Queen and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with Robert Rodgers (or should I say, “Charles Spurgeon”?—see photo 1!) and Molly Maartense (photo 2), newly-engaged, to go over wedding plans for a mid-July wedding, D.V.

In addition to wedding plans, we covered a lot of subjects—from theological to spiritual to practical—in nearly 3 hours. Please pray for this delightful couple that their future marriage might glorify God, be grounded in His Word, and be lived out in the childlike fear of His Triune name.

A Blessed Visit!

Mary and I just had a blessed visit with our Chinese pastor, Simon, and his wife, Chunzi, after they recently went through two major life events in a matter of a few weeks—the sorrow of the sudden loss of her father and the joy of the marriage of their only daughter, Olivia (to one of our theological students, Daniel). Please pray for them and for God’s blessing upon their work among us. Simon pastors about 40 Chinese members of and friends in our church family, and preaches nearly every Sunday afternoon for them in Mandarin, as well as periodically in English to the entire church family. We love this dear pastoral couple and thoroughly enjoy having the Chinese as part of our family. Pray that this cause may continue to grow!