Archives for March 10, 2023

“The Preeminent Christ” by Paul Washer

The Preeminent Christ by Paul David Washer – Heartcry Missionary Society :

Good news! We have just released a new book today by Paul Washer titled “The Preeminent Christ: God’s Beautiful and Unchanging Gospel” (Reformation Heritage Books, 100 pages). Drawing from the wisdom of great preachers and teachers of the past, our brother Paul lifts up our eyes to see the supremacy of the gospel for our lives and powerfully exhorts us to keep our eyes fixed on the gospel in all we do. This succinct, mind-stimulating, soul-feasting book is highly recommended! Parents would do well to order copies for all their children and churches for all their families.

Speaking at GPTS Question

This morning I gave the last two messages at the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary conference in Greenville, SC. Afterwards, a group photo of the speakers was taken (photo 1). Then Rev. Peter VanDoodewaard moderated a QA session with Dr. Jonathan Master (president of GPTS) and me (photo 2). After the conference was over, I enjoyed a few moments with my good friend of about three decades, Dr. Joey Pipa (former president of GPTS and still professor there; photo 3). Before going to the airport, we fellowshipped over lunch with a few of the speakers and their wives, children, and friends (photo 4, with Ryan McGraw on the left and Decherd Stephens on the right—son-in-law and father-in-law—the first time they both spoke together at the same conference). Now we are waiting at the airport, not at all sure we will make it home at all late tonight due to a large snowstorm moving into Michigan this evening. Your prayers are again treasured.