Archives for March 4, 2023

St. Andrews Mission Festival Day 2

Today Mary and I both spoke in the fellowship Hall at Saint Andrew’s Chapel (R. C. Sproul’s former church, photo 1) in Lake Mary, Florida. I spoke to a men’s breakfast on “Spirit-Empowered Evangelism,” and afterwards Mary and I sold a few thousand dollars worth of related books. Mary and I then had the privilege of visiting for an hour or two with Adrian and Claire Slootmaker, dear friends of mine for more than four decades, hailing back to my pastorate in New Jersey in the early 1980s. It is great to be with them!

A ladies’ luncheon was held at noon. Mary had the privilege of sitting next to Vesta Sproul, R.C. Sproul’s widow (photo 2). Vesta still comes into the office every day and does editing work. She continues to be lovely and lively and very involved in Ligonier ministries. After the luncheon, Mary spoke to the ladies on the subject of “Common and Uncommon Kindness,” from Jesus’s command to love our enemies in Luke 6.

Meanwhile, I enjoyed a two-hour fellowship lunch with Pastor Stephen Adams (photo 3, on my far right), Pastoral Administrative Assistant Ben Peters (my left), and Adrian Slootmaker (my right).
This evening I am taking the Queen out to eat at a special place. Your prayers for my three sermons at Saint Andrews’ Chapel tomorrow and for the Orlando RPCNA would be greatly appreciated.