Archives for March 1, 2023

Sweet Time with the Trinidads from the Philippines!

This afternoon it was a joy to meet and spend some time with Joel and JC Trinidad and their precious children from the Philippines. Joel is training for the ministry at MARS and JC manages Coram Deo Books—one of the largest Reformed bookstores in the Philippines. The family hopes to return to the Philippines when Joel finishes his studies. He’s hoping to get a doctoral degree and become involved with pastoring and eventually with much-needed theological training in the Philippines. Pray for them that these goals may be realized in due course, and that God use them mightily in the Philippines to further the cause of His truth.

New RHB Title on Charles Spurgeon

I am grateful to report that Reformation Heritage Books has just released an excellent and moving new book about Spurgeon by Alex DiPrima: “Spurgeon and the Poor: How the Gospel Compels Christian Social Concern:

This book shows us, as Thomas Kidd writes, that there “should be no artificial separation between the proclamation of the gospel and Christlike works of mercy.” And Conrad Mbewe adds, “See how the gospel Spurgeon preached fired his heart with loving zeal for the poor and needy.”