Surprise Post from The Queen

This is Mary posting for my husband; he is getting ready to give three more addresses today on the Puritan views on marriage; his first address was last night.

Yesterday, we flew to North Carolina for a marriage conference held in the home of Scott and Deborah Brown. After lunch, Scott showed us the Church & Family Life office in Wake Forest. The ping pong table that stands in the middle of his library was irresistible for these two pastors, and they had to volley back and forth several minutes (photo 1). Many years ago, the Browns acquired a property out in the country. They built a barn to be used as a retreat center, and lived in it temporarily, planning to build a house later. Well, they loved the barn so much that they still live there, and they never built the house (photo 2). 

Thirty-five couples, including some newlyweds, are gathering in the cavernous living room around a huge fireplace, sitting on many couches and chairs for this conference (photo 3). The theme is “Our Marriage and the Marriages of Our Sons and Daughters.” Pray for God’s blessing!

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