Happy Birthday, Calvin!

My dear son Calvin, I wish you a blessed 32nd birthday and a blessed entrance into your 33rd year, together with your special wife and four precious children. You are young yet, but isn’t it amazing that our young Savior died at age 33? I am so grateful, son, that you found the Savior in your teen years. I love you so much and your family. You and Laura and the grandchildren bring a great deal of joy into our lives as your parents.

I especially love your dedication in the Lord, by God’s grace, to Laura and your children, your dedication to the extended family and also the church family, and your dedication to your work and your employees—and your commitment to balance all your busyness in life out so as to live more fully for God’s glory. Despite your busyness, it was great to see you serve as deacon for the last two years with all your heart—that did my heart good! You have always been a special son to Mom and me, but it is especially a joy now to see you growing in God’s triune grace and watching you lead your family in the fear of God. I also love praying for you—daily.

I wish you a blessed future in Christ Jesus. Let the motto of your life continue to be, “For me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). And keep leaning hard on God’s grace, trusting that God is willing to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask or think for His own glory and your good (Eph. 3:20).

With all my love, Dad   

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