We had a full day on Saturday at Pastor Scott and Deborah Brown’s barn home in Wake Forest, North Carolina with 35 marital couples. I spoke 3 more times to them on the Puritan view of marriage on these topics: (1) mutual duties, (2) wife’s duties, and (3) husband’s duties (photo 1). Also, I did a Q&A with the other two speakers, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm (photo 2: the three speakers and our wives). And we sold every single book we brought, plus we have lots of back orders to fill!

On the Lord’s Day, I preached on “Family Problems at Home and Their Remedies” (Gen. 27) in the morning and on “How Men Should Lead Their Families as Prophets, Priests, and Kings” in the afternoon for Pastor Brown’s Hope Baptist Church in the morning and afternoon (photo 3), and then we drove immediately for an hour to the Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, pastored by Rev. Gavin Beers—a Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) minister (photo 4), where I preached on how Christ matures our faith. Afterward, we had great fellowship (and a delicious late dinner) at the Beers’ home with their children and several young people, as well as Rev. William Macleod from Scotland and a deacon and his wife (Bill and Danner), who also hosted us in their home overnight. Bill graciously took us to the Raleigh, NC airport at 4:30 this morning, and we landed in Grand Rapids at 9:10 a.m., just in time for me to get to an important seminary meeting! God is good.