Archives for February 20, 2023

Wonderful Fellowship at Grace Bible Church in Fort Myers

Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching morning and evening for my good friend, Dr. Tom Ascol, at Grace Baptist Church (GBC) in Cape Coral, Florida, for several hundred people. The church is very warm, appreciative, and “alive”! Between the services, we had a great lunch and blessed time of fellowship with Tom and Donna Ascol and their daughter Sarah, who works for both their church and seminary.

We were happily surprised also to meet at GBC one of our own elders and his wife from Grand Rapids, Dr. Jonathan and Mieke Engelsma, as well as the Elshout and Nieuwenhuis families from New Jersey, where I served 37 years ago. It was great to fellowship with them as well.

Today begins several real and much-needed vacation days with my very special Queen on Marco Island.