Archives for February 10, 2023

“Come, Lord Jesus” with John Piper

Here is an interview that I had with Dr. John Piper, two days ago on his moving and humbling new book on loving Christ’s appearing:…/come-lord-jesus-piper.html

I pray that this book, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, would stir all of us to live more in the light of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are far too earth – bound in our day; our tent stakes are plunged too deeply in the soil of this earth. May God help us as pilgrims traveling through Vanity Fair to keep our eyes every day on Him who’s coming again to judge the living and the dead, our glorious Savior,, who will take us to Himself, if we are true believers, making us without spot or wrinkle fit for the everlasting Inheritance. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

New Foreign Language Titles

Eden Publications in Brazil just sent me three of their new books in Portuguese: (1) “Como Posso Me Sentir Produtiva Come Mae?” (“How Can I Feel Productive as a Mom?”), by our daughter, Esther Engelsma (on left in photo; her first book in a foreign language!); (2) “Como Plantar Convicoes Piedosas em Nossos Filhous?” (“How Do We Plant Godly Convictions in Our Children?”), by me; and (3) “Um Homem Uma Mulher: Casamento na Biblia e as Relacoes Homossexuais” (“One Man and One Woman: Marriage and Same-Sex Relations in the Bible”), by Paul Smalley and me. You can order them from Please pray for God’s blessing upon these titles.