Happy Birthday, Lydia!

Dear Lydia, Happy 27th birthday to you in faraway Alberta! We miss you and love you so much, together with your dear husband Isaac, your precious son, Abraham, and the baby that you expect in two weeks, D.V.! Thank you so much for being such a special daughter to us, as well as a special wife and mommy. May God bless you abundantly in your new home and as a minister’s wife, and give you a wonderful year ahead. Thanks too, for being such a kind and beautiful daughter for us for all the years we had you at home, and for all the kisses you would give me as a little girl when I would come home from work (including the unforgettable day you gave me 500 in less than 10 minutes)! We love you for the gifts God has given you as well—your giving nature, your artistic bent, your sensitivity to others! Have a wonderful evening!

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