Today was another full day at the Founders Conference in Fort Myers, Florida, attended by 2,000. It ended with Voddie Baucham (photo 1) speaking clearly on the value of Christ as our “God-man” from Colossians 1. In the morning, I spoke on “Justified Man” from Romans 3 (photo 2) and did an interview for the Founders Conference on anthropology and Christology. In the afternoon Paul Washer spoke well on “People Made New” as did Tom Ascol on the tender subject of “Mankind in Hell.” We also had a Q&A panel discussion that focused on various areas of anthropology (photo 3: from left to right—Tom Ascol, Voddie Baucham, Bradley Pierce, Paul Washer, me, and the moderator, Graham Gunden).

We had a serendipitous meeting with Emily Tiegreen (photo 4) this afternoon. She and her husband Joel were missionaries in Turkey until 2020, when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. They heard a sermon that I preached at MacArthur’s church on “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21), which enabled them to experience sweet communion with God and with each other, even as they faced the reality that she would continue to live with Christ (with five young children) and that his death would be gain.
After the evening session, there was a two-hour book-signing session for the speakers, enabling the Queen and me to meet a few hundred more people in person. These days have been packed full with meeting many scores of people, answering numerous questions, receiving encouraging feedback, and having good fellowship both with the speakers and the people.
Book sales have been amazing. We have only nine books left on our table and have hundreds of books back ordered from those that are sold out. We should have brought five times the number of books that we shipped down.
We may believe that the Lord has been in the midst of this conference. Pray that tomorrow—the final day—may be the capstone.