My Son-in-Law’s Ordination

Last evening was one of the most moving and humbling experiences of my life. I had the great privilege of preaching the ordination sermon for my son-in-law, Isaac Epp, a recent PRTS graduate, in the Free Reformed Church of Picture Butte, Alberta. (This church of 180 members was officially organized about 9 months ago, and Isaac is their first pastor.) I spoke on the need for Isaac (and every minister!) to embrace Paul’s paradoxical view of ministry as recorded in 2 Corinthians 6:8-10, as a pattern of how Christ ministered, willing to be of no reputation, even though He had an incredibly great calling. Rev. David VanBrugge then read the form of ordination, gave Isaac a personal charge, and led the impressive laying on of hands (photo 1), while each of the ministers recited a text. The newly ordained Pastor Epp then preached his inaugural sermon well and movingly from Proverbs 8 on “The Gospel Cry of Jesus Christ” that calls all people to come to Him.

Afterward, five men spoke some personal well wishes to Isaac and our daughter Lydia: Elder Henk Van Rhee, Rev. John Procee, Elder Gerald Epp (Isaac’s father), Rev. Jan Neels, and me (photo 2). Isaac then concluded the 2 1/4-hour service by expressing warm words of appreciation to a number of people and to the church family as a whole (photo 3). His words to his parents, his wife, and his son were particularly moving. Another 1.5 hours of warm fellowship transpired after the service.

The whole evening was a joyous, moving, and humbling holy delight in the Lord. God is unspeakably good! Please pray for God’s rich blessing on Isaac and Lydia as they now embark on a lifetime of ministry (together with their 2-year-old Abraham and the child expected in 3 or 4 weeks), that many would be truly converted, many would grow in grace and holiness, and that God’s name would be honored to the highest!

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