Archives for December 30, 2022

A Beautiful Wedding

Mary and I drove to the area of Flint, Michigan to lead a rehearsal for Luke Henig and Miranda Maynard last evening. This afternoon, I delivered the wedding message on “God’s Recipe for a Happy Marriage,” based on Psalm 37:3-7—a recipe with four ingredients: (1) trust in the Lord, (2) delight in the Lord, (3) commit your way to the Lord, and (4) rest in the Lord for this God-fearing couple (photo 1). Miranda’s father, Rev. Eric Maynard, a good friend of mine, led the couple through the wedding vows. In photo 2, we are with Luke and Miranda and Julie and Eric Maynard. We enjoyed the wedding reception with three generations of the Maynard family, including three sisters who thoroughly enjoyed being flower girls (photo 3). Will you pray with me that Luke and Miranda will have a truly blessed marriage in the fear of God, the grace of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit?