Many of you have asked when and where you could listen to the 23 addresses and the one QA given at the once-in-a-generation Puritan Conference. They are now all available at www.puritanconference.com. Speakers on the photo below include Jeremy Walker, Sinclair Ferguson, Stephen Yuille, Steve Lawson, Ligon Duncan, Geoff Thomas, Mike Riccarrdi, and me. Other speakers not on the photo were John MacArthur, John Piper, Kevin DeYoung, Michael Reeves, and Ian Hamilton.
Many thanks to the thousands of you who attended the Puritan Conference on October 5-7 of this year by Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and Reformation Heritage Books in conjunction with Dr. John MacArthur’s team of conference workers at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. Thanks, too, to the additional thousands who tuned in from 162 different countries around the world. Truly, God was in the midst of us, and we are so grateful for this conference and the impact that it had upon many.
Enjoy, be fed, and go to www.heritagebooks.org for the greatest number of Puritan titles offered by any publisher in the world. Reformation Heritage Books is scheduled to print 84 more Puritan titles in the next 7 years (one per month), plus one major set of works of a Puritan each year.