Rev. Paulo Junior

Rev. Paulo Junior, a good friend and well-known pastor from Franca, Brazil where he pastors the Calvary Covenant Church (I have served him there frequently in the last four years), has been visiting us for the last four days together with his associate pastor, Rev. Danilo Santa Terra. For the first time in the history of our church, we had two pastors on the pulpit Lord’s Day morning—Paulo preaching movingly to us in Portuguese about the need to live the Christian life not just privately but publicly like Daniel’s three friends in Daniel 3, and Rev. Tiago Baia, a Brazilian PhD student at Puritan Reformed Seminary translating him into English. Today, the two spoke in our chapel (photo), with Paulo’s message being on the importance of preaching the gospel evangelistically, so that also the unsaved are frequently addressed. It was great to have them here. Pray for Paulo’s ministry in Brazil (hundreds of thousands livestream his messages there) and for Danilo who hopes to begin his Doctor of Ministry program with us in a few months.

The sermon from the last Lord’s day can be found here.

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