We enjoyed our time with Dr. Donald John MacLean (second from right in photo) over the past nine days as he preached on the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) for us in our church, did a lecture for us on biblical and systematic theology at our seminary, and shared a good deal of spiritual and social fellowship over a number of meals in our home. He hopes to return to our seminary in January to teach a PhD/ThM course in Scottish Presbyterianism.
Dr. Maclean wrote his PhD dissertation on James Durham’s view of the offer of grace and serves as an elder in the Cambridge Presbyterian Church in England where he preaches often and as adjunct Professor of Historical Theology at Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle, England. He is also a trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust. He is married to Ruth a devoted librarian (on the right in the photo) and they have two children, Hannah and Jonathan (on the left), all of whom joined us in Grand Rapids over the weekend. It was a joy to have the whole family in our home and have them worship with us this past Lord’s Day. Christian fellowship is certainly one of life’s greatest joys!