Mary and I spent yesterday at the Sing Conference in Nashville, which was attended by 7,700 people (photo 1) in the beautiful Gaylord Opryland Convention Center (photo 2). It was a busy day for me: I was privileged to speak on “The Prayer Life of the Christian Leader” to a large breakout session (photo 3), met with some editors at Crossway (including Justin Taylor) to talk about future writing projects (which includes Paul Smalley and I hoping to write a one volume Reformed Systematic Theology of about 800 pages at a layman’s level which will be a simplified, abridged version of our four volume RST), did a recorded address for Crossway on ten reasons why Christians should study theology and another impromptu podcast on why and how Calvin and the Puritans were evangelistic, spent several hours selling books at the Reformation Heritage Books table, and then Mary and I closed out the evening by spending a few hours visiting with Mark Dever, sharing with each other how the Lord has converted us and getting to know each other better (photo 4).