On Our Way Home

We’re finally on the way home from our 2.5 week journey to Bali Indonesia), Singapore, Jakarta (Indonesia), and Seoul (South Korea). Right now, we are sitting by our gate in Seoul ready to take off for the long flight to San Francisco.This morning, David Woollin (CEO of Reformation Heritage Books who is with us in Seoul) and I met with two brothers associated with Reformation and Revival Publishing (who have published five of my larger books in Korean) to become better acquainted and to discuss additional possibilities for the translation of my books and other RHB authors into Korean (photo 1).

I was also interviewed this morning by a young editor (photo 2) for the religious section of a Korean newspaper that reaches 4 million readers by paper copy and on-line. She asked me a number of questions about my Reformed Systematic Theology which is now being published by Reformation and Revival Publishing in Korean as well as my personal convictions on several issues and my impressions of the current condition of the Korean Presbyterian churches.

Our faithful host then drove us, together with David Woollin (who is flying on to Australia to meet with our book distributor there) to the airport where we had our final Asian meal on this trip, and then the time for saying goodbye had come (photo 3). Thank God for bringing us through this rather intense itinerary and for upholding me through three dozen preaching/lecturing occasions on this journey, and please pray for many fruits upon these labors.

And now, pending traveling mercies, we look forward to seeing our precious family, church and seminary people and students–and especially our 11-day-old grandchild who was born after we had left home!

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