On Monday and Tuesday, I had the privilege of lecturing five times and preaching twice in Seoul, Korea for the KIRP (Korean Institute of Reformed Preaching), which is celebrating their 30th anniversary. This is the fourth time I have spoken for their annual conference. They exist to promote Reformed and expository experiential preaching. The board members and their wives met in the pastor’s study (photo 1). The theme I chose for my lectures was “Growing Spiritually in the Ministry.” I spoke on growing in: assurance of faith, private prayer, coping with criticism, coping with affliction, and preaching with experiential application. I preached in the evenings on “Christ Forsaken!” and “Christ Married!” Dr. HoSub (Joseph) Shia has translated several of my books into Korean and he interpreted one lecture for me (photo 2). Other interpreters were Chang Won Shu and David Kim.
We had time to take a short walk outside our hotel (photo 3), on a beautiful walkway along a creek. Seoul has many green areas like this built into the city landscape.
Dr. Joey Pipa arrived late Tuesday, and we enjoyed breakfast with him Wednesday morning (photo 4). He is leading the KIRP conference the remaining two days, as we head for home.