Archives for August 16, 2022

Puritan Theology Course in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Exciting news: We have a new grandchild our 8th)—Liberty Ann, born to Calvin and Laura Beeke, who now have three daughters and one son. Her middle name is named after my dear wife, Mary Ann. Both mother and daughter are doing well, and are home already.

Pray that this precious child will have been born to be born again.We haven’t been able to see Liberty Ann yet as we are still in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yesterday and today, I taught the first half of my course (11 hours) on Puritan Theology to close to 50 students (photo 1) at the seminary founded by Dr. Stephen Tong, which is located in the Reformed Millennium Center. Our friend Benyamin Intan is currently the president of the seminary. He and his associates have been very helpful.

This evening I spoke on “The Puritans on Marriage and Child-Rearing” at a public seminar hosted by the Reformed Millennium Center, and did a QA afterward, for 550+ people (photo 2). The questions were thoughtful and excellent.

Here is a view of the night skyline of Jakarta from our hotel (photo 3).

Tomorrow and Thursday I hope to teach the remaining 11 hours of my Puritan Theology course and then head for the Jakarta airport to take a red-eye overnight flight to So. Korea where I hope to speak about a dozen times before returning home a week from now. Your prayer for our health and strength and for unction in speaking would be greatly appreciated.