After arriving safely in Franca, Brazil, last night, to do our fifth and final conference in Brazil, we had great fellowship over dinner with the well-known Brazilian pastor, Paulo, Jr., and his assistants Danilo and Cunha and Cunha’s wife, Anelia (photo 1: Paulo, on the left; Danilo, second from the left; Cunha on the right). I hope to preach for Paulo Jr. at 8:00 PM this evening, tomorrow evening, and then twice on the Lord’s Day at Igreja Alianca do Calvario in Franca, on the theme of experiencing intimacy with God. The link to the YouTube channel for their Defesa do Evangelho (Defense of the Gospel) ministry is here, so that you can join us.
Please pray for God’s rich blessing on this conference.En route to coming here yesterday, we took this view from the plane of the city of Belo Horizonte (photo 2) and later on of a beautiful sunset (photo 3).