Archives for July 22, 2022

Two Special Friends

Derek Thomas just sent this picture of him and Sinclair Ferguson in Scotland to me with the title, “Two old guys.” I thanked him and shot back this note: “I would say: Two special friends!”

Isn’t it true that often we don’t thank our long-standing friends enough for just being our faithful friends in Christ over the many years gone by? I love these two brothers in Christ and am so grateful for their loyal friendships—Derek for 30 years and Sinclair for 40! What a blessing they have both been to me!

Every true, faithful friend of many years is a special gift of God as we traverse the way to the Celestial City. Isn’t it time that you send a note of thanks to those who have befriended you faithfully for decades? Do it today!

Christ of the Consummation

Under the rubric of “A New Testament Biblical Theology,” P&R has just released a very important book by the esteemed biblical theologian, O. Palmer Robertson, “Christ of the Consummation: The Testimony of the Four Gospels, Volume 1.” This is an excellent companion to expository preachers and teachers of the Gospels, as well as every other student of the Bible who desires to grow in both knowledge and devotion to Christ.

Learn more here.

Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children

Without the Spirit’s sovereign, saving work, all our efforts to train our children covenantally will do no more than produce Pharisees on the one hand or rebels on the other. Grace is not automatically conveyed from one generation to another through baptism and faithful covenantal child-rearing. Samuel Rutherford, a Scottish divine who stressed the value of the covenant of grace, wrote, “Grace always runs in the covenant of God, but it does not always run in the blood of the veins.” Only the Holy Spirit can bless our efforts and grant our children a broken heart and a contrite spirit (Ps. 51:17).

Learn more about “Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children” here.