Archives for July 16, 2022

Franca, Brazil and the Offices of Defesa do Evangelho

Mary spoke to the ladies in Franca, Brazil about teaching our children to work (photo 1). Some moms told her that in spite of this not being a common practice in Brazil, they are starting to put into practice what she is promoting in her book (photo 3, with the stock of her book), and experiencing positive results!

We visited the offices of Defesa do Evangelho (Defense of the Gospel) and the Igreja Alianca do Calvario (Church Alliance of Calvary), where Paulo Junior has his office (photo 2), where the networking takes place so sermons can be sent around the world to their 1.74 million subscribers, and where the books are translated and stored.

We have been able to go for a few walks, and we tried the exercise equipment that is in the median of the boulevard outside our hotel before I preach this evening (photo 4). Pray for me for my sermon tonight and for two more sermons tomorrow on the theme of growing in experiencing a close relationship with the Triune God.