Archives for July 11, 2022

The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics

I had the privilege of dedicating the first volume of my co-authored “Reformed Systematic Theology” to R. C. Sproul with these words: “In memory of R. C. Sproul (1939-2017), friend and mentor, dedicated worker and prolific author for God’s kingdom, gifted teacher and theologian: he, like Abel, being dead, yet speaks (Heb. 11:4).” Because he was such a very clear biblical and theological thinker whose addresses and writings have brought tens of thousands into a Reformed understanding of biblical truth, I am thrilled that Ligonier Ministries has just brought eleven of Dr. Sproul’s best known works into print in a beautiful 6-volume set titled, “The R. C. Sproul Signature Classics.” Even if you already have some of these titles, you will want to own your own set of this very beautiful, highly readable, well laid out set of classic books by this master theologian and lucid thinker. You can buy them now at a very special price from Reformation Heritage Books.

Learn more here.

Saturday and Sunday in Brazil

Our addresses on Saturday in Governador Valadares, Brazil went well, and they sold many of Mary’s and my books. Danilo, my interpreter, and I are holding three of my larger titles that are selling well here (photo 1: Reformed Systematic Theology, vol. 1; Living for the Glory of God: An Intro to Calvinism; Meet the Puritans). On Saturday evening, we went to an Italian restaurant where the cook prepared our food table-side (photo 2). She torched the cheese to warm it, then mixed it with cream on the hot plate, and heated it together with the noodles. Interesting and delicious.

On the Lord’s Day, I preached on Christ’s superiority over the priesthood of Aaron and His perpetual intercession from Hebrews 7:25 and on the only way to live and die from Philippians 1:21. Danilo did an outstanding job of translating and we both felt greatly helped in proclaiming God’s Word to this very warm, hungry, loving, and hospitable church. Some precious children tried out their English skills on us, but they were quite shy (photo 3). The Pires family hosted us for a delicious lunch, and we enjoyed sweet fellowship (photo 4). Their son, Abraham, to my left, is 16 years old and has a remarkable affinity and love for learning languages. I encouraged him in his desire to use his talents in God’s kingdom, and to pursue Biblical Hebrew and Latin.

After the evening service, we gathered at the Freitas home with several families for delicious Brazilian BBQ (photo 5). We discussed several issues confronting the church today. Their church has welcomed 200 new members since we were here last time, which was only three years ago. Pray that God will continue to bless them abundantly.