Archives for June 2022

Heritage Reformed and Free Reformed Annual Synod

This week the Heritage Reformed and Free Reformed annual synod meetings are transpiring at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids. The synods are sharing devotional times, meal times, and break times, and then each synod is deliberating on its own agenda. Please pray that God would guide both synods in the numerous important decisions we need to make to the glory of His name, the maintenance of His Word, and the good of never-dying souls.

Growing Downward by Nick Thompson

Today I received Nick Thompson’s “Growing Downward: The Path to Christ-Exalting Humility” (Reformation Heritage Books, 210 pages) which I had the privilege of reading before publication.

In my opinion, this is one of the top ten “best books” of the some 1000 titles we have published over the last 28 years—and I don’t say this lightly. This very well-written and thoughtful book is a “must read” due to its gripping teaching that the path of humility, though difficult, is the way to true meaning and fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Learn more here.

Grace Christian Academy Graduation

Last night was an evening of joy as 21 students from our church’s Christian school, Grace Christian Academy, graduated from senior high school—among them a set of twins (photo 1). Valedictorian Hanna Sweetman and salutatorian Meghan VanDalen gave meaningful thanksgiving-laced addresses, after which I gave a commencement address on “Who are you going to be?” rather than the typical “What are you going to do?” question, pointing them to the necessity of being born again and running the race set before them, looking to Jesus as the author and finisher of faith who can enable them to serve Him as prophets who confess His name, as priests who intercede for others and live sacrificially and thankfully, and as kings who fight against sin and Satan and will reign with Christ forever. Afterwards, the seniors watched an enjoyable 30-minute video of themselves, and then we all walked to a downtown park where we had space and opportunity to congratulate them, and take photographs (photo 2) and pray individually with them and their families (photo 3). Pray that these graduates—and thousands more—will be bright lights for Christ in this desperately needy, confused, and sinful world.

Graduation Picnics

I’m looking forward to being the commencement speaker for our 12th grade graduates from Grace Christian Academy in Grand Rapids on Friday evening. I love graduation messages—and the opportunities they bring to speak into the lives of our dear young adults.

In the Reformed churches in Grand Rapids there is also the custom of having large picnic celebrations of well wishes (usually combined with pulled pork and coleslaw) for each of the graduates. Sometimes two or three of the graduates celebrate together at one picnic. Often a few hundred people come out for these celebrations (photo 1); the fellowship is always robust. As a pastor, my wife and I have the privilege of being invited to many of them from near the end of May to mid-June, so my wife gets out of cooking for many a night during these weeks! Tonight we went to the first of many of these picnics that we were able to attend, so here I am with three of our graduates, Kyle, Samuel, and Nathan (photo 2). It is always a delight, too, to have a private time of prayer with the graduates—and we love to give them great books that, with the Spirit’s blessing, can impact their lives in major ways. These are happy times; please pray that God will convert them all and use them mightily in His kingdom.

Family Picnic

On Monday, Mary and I drove back home to Grand Rapids from Ontario. We lost some time at the border, but made it back just in time to go to our family picnic (photo 1), which was wonderful (a few dozen in all from four generations). One highlight for me was having a grandchild falling asleep on me—literally (photo 2)!