Archives for June 2022

Dr. Bruce Baugus

Dr. Bruce Baugus has finally arrived in Grand Rapids and is settling in. He comes to us from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, where he taught for a number of years. In the coming weeks, he hopes to start working full-time at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in teaching systematic theology, ethics, apologetics, philosophy, etc. at the MDiv, ThM, and PhD levels. We are excited and humbled to have him with us, and believe that he will be a real asset for our programs here. Please pray for him and his wife, Tricia, as they settle in, that God will both bless them and let them be a blessing for many (Gen. 12:2).

Joy in Dark Places––New Book from RHB

Recently I received another new title from Reformation Heritage Books written by one of our Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary graduates on a much needed subject which I thoroughly enjoyed editing: “Joy in Dark Places” by Thomas Parr. This is an easy-to-read, page-turning, important book that, in and through Christ, can transform for good our entire concept of joy as well as how we respond to the hard times of life. Highly recommended for every believer!

Learn more here.

Puritan Conference with John MacArthur

John MacArthur and I, together with our teams at Grace Community Church and Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, have planned the most exciting conference I’ve ever looked forward to in my life: “The Puritan Conference,” which is being held at MacArthur’s church in Los Angeles, October 5-7 of this year. The speaker line-up and the topics are such that you definitely will not want to miss this conference. We’re trusting that this “best-Puritan-conference-ever” will easily draw the capacity of 3500 to 4000 people; please register yourself and your spouse and family now, so that you won’t be disappointed if and when it sells out. We have purposely kept the price as low as possible (at a non-profit rate). I look forward to seeing you there, the Lord willing, for the conference of a lifetime!

Learn more and register here.

Soli Deo Gloria 50% Off Sale

I love Reformation Heritage Books line of Puritan imprints called Soli Deo Gloria. They are titles that are beautifully and soundly biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical, and will assist you in living the Christian life to God’s glory. Now is your chance to buy two dozen of these sterling titles at rock-bottom prices of 50% off or more—the largest discount we at RHB have ever offered.

Browse the sale here.

A Blessed Lord’s Day

The Queen and I took a delightful walk along the most beautiful side of Reeds Lake, in East Grand Rapids, and enjoyed watching this graceful, beautiful White Swan for a while. Yesterday was a blessed Lord’s Day for us under Word and sacrament—more than a dozen new communicants came to the Lord’s Supper. Isn’t God amazingly good and gracious? Despite all the forces of evil arrayed in opposition against true conversions in our decadent day, His Holy Spirit will continue doing His saving work in the hearts of sinners until Christ comes again on the clouds! SDG!

Preaching and the Puritans

Recently I sat down with Master’s seminary to discuss preaching and the puritans. In this edition of Conversations on Preaching, I show the enduring impact the puritans have on expositors today.

The Christian Pastor’s Manual by John Brown of Edinburgh

I am very excited to finally bring back into print “The Christian Pastor’s Manual: A Selection of Tracts on the Duties, Difficulties, and Encouragements of the Christian Ministry,” edited by John Brown of Edinburgh (Reformation Heritage Books, 425 pages). This is the best collection of essays on the ministry that I have ever read. Writers include Abraham Booth, Philip Doddridge, John Erskine, John Newton, etc. John Jennings’s chapters, “Preaching Christ,” and “Particular and Experimental Preaching” are alone worth ten times the price of this book.

Learn more here.

New Internal Network at PRTS

Wow! Our IT brother, Seth (on the right), and the brother Jay (left), have just completed upgrading a new “switch” for the internal network of Puritan Reformed Seminary. The amount of wires and configurations involved (right side of picture) boggles my mind—and we couldn’t use Internet only for one day! Thank God for people with these kinds of gifts.

Where There is Life, The Spirit is At Work

Where there is life, the Spirit is at work. Where there is light, the Spirit is at work. Wherever the might of human sin and evil is limited by divine providence, the Spirit strives with men. Where there is faith, the Spirit is at work in the hearts of men, fulfilling both individually and corporately a variety of goals in redemptive history that will lead to His fuller ministry in the Lord Jesus Christ and the present New Testament age.

Learn more about Puritan Reformed Theology here.

Second Edition of Bible Doctrine for Older Children

I am excited to receive today my brother’s newly and substantively revised edition of “Bible Doctrine for Older Children” (James W. Beeke, 2 volumes condensed into 1, Reformation Heritage Books , 381 pages). Pray that this volume will continue to reach tens of thousands of children in age range of 10-12, and be a great blessing to them.

Learn more here.