This afternoon we visited the open house of our dear friends Jake and Lona, commemorating their 50th wedding anniversary, with 3 children, 23 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. (Two of their children have 8 children each, and the third has 7 children!) Jake was the first person that I gave some private theological lessons to 40 years ago while I pastored in New Jersey, so I call him my first “theological student.” He later served as a mission worker in Bolivia for some years and then more recently as a ruling elder of our Heritage Reformed Congregation here in Grand Rapids. (His son, Jacob, Jr., now serves as elder in his place.) I spoke a message to this dear couple from Psalm 71 which focuses on God’s righteousness, and when I was done Jake spontaneously stood up and recounted to his whole family some of the Lord’s leadings—both spiritual and providential—in their lives. It was a sweet time for us all. Pray that God will continue to bless them and their large family.