Archives for June 25, 2022

50th Wedding Anniversary of Jake and Lona

This afternoon we visited the open house of our dear friends Jake and Lona, commemorating their 50th wedding anniversary, with 3 children, 23 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. (Two of their children have 8 children each, and the third has 7 children!) Jake was the first person that I gave some private theological lessons to 40 years ago while I pastored in New Jersey, so I call him my first “theological student.” He later served as a mission worker in Bolivia for some years and then more recently as a ruling elder of our Heritage Reformed Congregation here in Grand Rapids. (His son, Jacob, Jr., now serves as elder in his place.) I spoke a message to this dear couple from Psalm 71 which focuses on God’s righteousness, and when I was done Jake spontaneously stood up and recounted to his whole family some of the Lord’s leadings—both spiritual and providential—in their lives. It was a sweet time for us all. Pray that God will continue to bless them and their large family.

Austin and Felisse

Please pray for this dear engaged couple, Austin and Felisse, who hope to be wedded soon; I had the privilege this afternoon of completing pre-marital counseling with them. Pray that they will cultivate a marriage lived in the childlike fear of God and to His glory.