Archives for June 13, 2022

God’s Biblical Design for Marriage

God’s biblical design for marriage is totally contrary to the world’s ideas, so don’t try to blend them together. The world says, “Marriage is supposed to make me happy. I want my spouse to please me. I will stay in this marriage as long as I am happy, but when the joy is gone, I am gone.” This is the essence of a me-driven, self-centered marriage. It’s like walking in quicksand. Each spouse tries to keep from sinking, sometimes by dragging the other down to do so. The more they struggle, the deeper they sink. But when Jesus Christ reaches out His hand and pulls them out of the mire and sets their feet on the solid Rock, they begin to thrive together. A gospel-driven marriage begins with self-denial, putting God first and your partner second. The believer says, “I was a lost sinner; now I’m a saved sinner redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. My spouse is too. I love God because He first loved me. He gave me my beloved spouse. I am so grateful to God for His gifts that I want to love and serve Jesus Christ and my spouse for my whole life. I have deeper joy from loving and serving God and my spouse than I ever did when I served myself.”

Learn more about How Can We Build a Godly Marriage? here.