Archives for June 9, 2022

Good News from our Heritage Reformed Synod

Some very good news from our Heritage Reformed Synod which met for 25 hours in two days: The first three brothers from left to right on the photo below—Darryl Dedert, Isaac Epp, and John Byl—after completing their four year MDiv program at Puritan Reformed Seminary, and preaching a trial sermon before Synod and being examined by Synod in a variety of subjects, have been accepted as candidates for the ministry and are declared callable by the churches. The brother on my right, Luis Llano from Colombia, has completed his MDiv as well, and has been accepted as a HRC theological student and preached his trial sermon before Synod, so he hopes to preach for the HRC churches now and pursue his ThM degree as he waits on the Lord for further direction. To the right of Luis, is Hao (Daniel) Xue, a HRC student, who preached his trial sermon before Synod and has received permission to preach in the HRC churches. Please pray for all five of these brothers that God will use them mightily to the building up of His church, the salvation of the lost, and the glory of His name.