Visiting Family In Ontario

I enjoyed my meeting with John Hultink in Ontario on Saturday. Half of our time we spent talking about theology and the other half he gave me a tour of his remarkable business, the Book Depot, which sells millions of remainder books each year—an impressive operation indeed (photo 1).

Saturday evening was family time at my brother’s home in Pelham, Ontario. My brother and sister-in-law, John and Miekie Beeke, who have 13 children, 55 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, invited their children to drop in to see us anytime they wanted to throughout the evening. It seemed like every 15-20 minutes or so someone else was dropping in (see photo 2 and 3 for just some of them that came by). Here I am in photo 4 with my namesake, Joel Beeke. I can’t put into words how good it felt to see my brother and sister and nephews and nieces after three years of not being able to see them due to Covid. The evening was packed with spiritual conversation, fond memories, and family laughter as nostalgic stories of the past were re-told just like old times. What a blessing a God-fearing family is!

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