This morning we arose early to beat Glasgow, Scotland rush hour traffic. We were sad to say good-bye to David and Fiona Carmichael. We had a clear and beautiful view of Dutch farmland as we flew into Amsterdam (photo #1). Our plane was a bit late and we had a short layover, so the border control agent put us in the front of the line. But then another agent put someone in front of us. When we got up to the counter, the guy said, “You only have ten minutes, you shouldn’t have let those people ahead of you. You must stand up for yourselves. Go!” So we ran! It was about a half mile, but we made it! So thankful.
We arrived safely in Budapest, Hungary; however, Mary’s suitcase did not. After filling out forms, Gyula Bagoly (a PRTS ThM graduate) whisked us off to the ministers’ conference, where we arrived at 6:20 p.m. and fifteen minutes later (only five minutes late!), I delivered the first of six addresses on “Growth” to a group of eighty ministers, elders, and friends of Reformed persuasion. The first address was on “Growing in Assurance of Faith.” The leaders of this conference are Peter Szabo and Gyula (photo #2).
Please pray for us as I address the conference on four more topics of growth tomorrow, D.V.