I felt like I got ¾ of my heart back when I saw my Queen come off the plane in San Jose, California on Saturday evening. Mary had addressed the women at the New England OPC Women’s Retreat in Monterey, Massachusetts on “The Kindness of Jesus Christ,” “Love your Enemies,” and “Kindness in the Church.” One of the conference organizers took advantage of the conference prices and enlarged her personal library (photo #1). The women sang “God Be With You Til We Meet Again” in a circle as they said good-bye (photo #2). Mary thoroughly enjoyed her time at this conference.

On Sunday I preached at Trinity Bible Church, Morgan Hill, California on “Sola Gratia: How Jesus, the Great Office-bearer, Meets all our Needs.” We always meet interesting and special people as we travel. BJ and Andrea Lopez (photo #3) used to be missionaries in Cambodia, with our good friends, Darryl and Kara Dedert. The Lopez’s adopted nine Cambodian children. They had to return to the US to care for ailing parents, though their hearts are still back in Cambodia. They took with them their two youngest, Boaz and Judah. The other children are grown and living in Cambodia. Their energy and love for the Gospel and for souls in Cambodia was palpable and contagious.

We also met Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miller (photo #4). He is a retired police chief from a town in California where he served for 33 years, and they have since moved to Idaho to be closer to children and grandchildren. He loves to read theology and is half-way to earning his MDiv at a local seminary. It was a joy to speak to them. Pray with us please that God blesses the sermons, addresses, and fellowship.