Archives for May 20, 2022

Arrival in North Carolina

I spoke one more time in Budapest Thursday morning on “Growing Through Family Worship.” Please pray that these church leaders will be encouraged, and that they will lead their flocks in the paths of Scripture, to be lights on the hill and salt on the earth. A young family wanted a picture of me holding their precious little girl. My heart suddenly longed for our grandchildren!

We said our good-byes, and they immediately took us to the airport. The first leg of our journey was delayed, which would make us miss our connection and North Carolina conference. So, they re-routed us. Instead of Budapest-Paris-Detroit-Charlotte, we flew Budapest-Amsterdam-Atlanta-Charlotte. Despite some computer glitches, we made it safely. God is so kind.

The Charlotte airport was super busy even at midnight. We missed getting a hotel shuttle by five minutes. A young man overheard us trying to get a taxi to the Wingate hotel. He said, “I just got kicked out of a taxi, so I called for a Uber. I’m going to the Wingate; you can ride with me.” “OK, great!” After we’d been on the way for too long, we suddenly asked from the back seat, “Hey, which Wingate are you going to?” It was the wrong one! It was 2:00 a.m. by time we dropped exhausted into bed.