Good Friday Services

Today I had the privilege of preaching twice on our Savior’s death––once this afternoon with six other preachers on the seven last words of Christ (including my Assistant Paul Smalley and one of our PRTS students, Paul van Engelenhoven, who is pastoring Seventh Reformed Church where the 3-hour service was held––see photos) and then again this evening in our own church, I preached on “It is finished” (John 19:30).

What a Savior true believers possess––at best we preachers can only scratch the surface of proclaiming His infinite love to hell-worthy sinners! I wish you and yours every blessing in the crucified and risen Lord of glory!

Watch or listen to “It Is Finished” below:


  1. Christa

    So grateful to learn of this church: the Chicago suburbs are a spiritual wasteland as far as I know, but Grand Rapids seems to have an abundance of solid, genuine churches that are more than mere social clubs with either droll or merely entertaining or sentimental but unaffecting, unconvicting, and inoffensive lectures.

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