Dutch Reformed Translation Society Meeting

Yesterday afternoon we had our biannual Dutch Reformed Translation Society meeting of the Board of Directors, which is now chaired by Dr. Adriaan Neele, and includes more than a dozen brothers from various Reformed denominations in America and the Netherlands. (I have had the privilege of serving as its vice-president since its founding nearly thirty years ago—how time flies!) The society has been responsible for the translation and publication (through Baker or Reformation Heritage Books) of more than a dozen Reformed books, including Herman Bavinck’s “Reformed Dogmatics” (4 vols.). Presently, our major project is a 7-volume translation of Peter van Mastricht’s Reformed systematic theology, which Jonathan Edwards felt was the best work ever written beside the Bible!

In the photo, DRTS members are signing our two newest volumes for our lifetime donors, both published by RHB since our last meeting: van Mastricht’s volume 3 on “The Works of God and the Fall of Man” and Geerhardus Vos’s “Natural Theology.” We are hoping to publish volume 4 of van Mastricht on “Christ” by the end of the year, D.V. Please pray for God’s continued blessing as we strive to spread the Reformed faith and strengthen the church of Christ.

To see the books that have been published, to join the society and get discounts on the published titles, and/or to make tax-exempt donations to DRTS, etc., please visit the DRTS website.

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