This morning, my good friend, Dr. Changwon Shu, who is staying in our home for some days with his wife, Myoung Ja, gave us a strong chapel message at PRTS on the need to preach Christ alone (1 Cor. 1:25). Changwon has been a leader in South Korea for decades in promoting the Reformed experiential faith as professor at Chongshin Theological Seminary, president of the Korea Institute for Reformed Preaching (KIRP), and editor of the Korean Banner of Truth. My wife and I have been privileged to stay in their home on most of our trips to Korea.
Meanwhile, faculty representatives from Reformed seminaries in Brazil, Columbia, Germany, Hungary, Honduras, Serbia, and Chile had another good and fruitful day meeting at our seminary with some of our PRTS faculty and staff to collaborate on seminary education—especially for the master’s level degree as an embedded academic and practical program of working in the churches. Tomorrow this collaboration conference concludes. Continue to pray for God’s benediction on these important meetings.