Archives for April 30, 2022

An Update On This Week’s Events and Travels

On Wednesday evening, Mary and I hosted two Filippino ministers and one of their deacons for dinner (photo 1). For the past two years, I have done conference addresses for them virtually. We had a great time fellowshipping with them and hope to work with them in the future in assisting them in some way in providing solid Reformed training for theological students.

On Thursday morning, Mary flew to Boston to speak for a women’s conference and in the afternoon I flew to San Jose, California to do a conference of about 250 people (photo 2) for Trinity Bible Church in Morgan Hill, together with their pastor, Rev. Manny Periera, as well as Dr. Paul Twiss and Rev. Burgett. The conference was on sola gratia (grace alone). Yesterday and today, I spoke three times: Total Depravity, Justification by Grace, and Thriving in Grace. The other speakers spoke movingly and powerfully on Unconditional Sovereign Grace, Grace to Those Who Hear, The Grace of Perseverance, and The Only Ground for Glory. The conference concluded with a helpful QA with the speakers. The book sales (97% of the books were sold and many back orders were taken) and the grace-centered singing were both robust and the people were responsive and warm in every way.

Last evening we had good fellowship over dinner with the speakers (photo 3). In a few minutes I hope to pick Mary up from the airport, as her conference is also finished now and she hopes to join me here in California, and then tomorrow morning I hope to preach for Trinity Bible Church in Morgan Hill, California. We hope to fly home early Monday morning, D.V. Pray for much fruit upon both of our conferences.