God’s Sparing Mercy

God is gracious in His sparing mercy! As Mary and I returned home from preaching in Kalamazoo, Michigan this week, traveling north on 131, a car suddenly came speeding down an exit ramp the wrong way and entered the highway at full speed! Mary was driving. She laid on the horn and swerved over into the other lane in a fraction of a second, and the car flew by on our right. If we had been a second or two later we would have encountered him head-on. We called 911 immediately, and a moment later a police car with his siren on and lights blazing came racing down the highway on the other side. We never saw anything in the news, so we pray that the driver, who we think must have been drunk, managed to realize it, pulled over, and turned around. Our lives are fragile but thank God that our times are in Him hands (Ps. 31:15).


  1. Davis Loren Moore.

    Praise the Lord for safety! That is really scary!

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