Final Day at Shepherds Conference

On the way home now from MacArthur’s Shepherds Conference in Los Angeles. Here is John MacArthur delivering the closing address of the conference (photo 1) on the need for the new birth that truly transforms its recipients to a full church (photo 2; 4,200 people attended the conference in all). The singing of “Holy, Holy, Holy” by thousands of men was truly amazing. I also thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Reformation Heritage Books table selling Reformed Systematic Theology (photo 3) and other books to the hungry pastors, many of whom were in their 20s or early 30s. With the help of David Woollin and Ian Thompson, close to 90% of the 1.5 crates of RHB books sent out were sold! Pray for God’s blessing on this conference and on all the books that will be read.

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