The Queen and I have had the custom for the last few decades to invite each semester our new seminary students to our home for dinner and fellowship, followed by family worship and a time of testimonials, where each adult explains briefly how the Lord saved him or her. These evenings are always long and wonderful—in fact, they are among our favorite evenings each year. Sadly, we couldn’t have these special evenings for the last few years due to Covid, but last night we renewed our custom, so Mary prepared dinner for 16 (we’re expecting another 16 next week Monday as there are too many to accommodate them all in one evening)! The photo below shows some of our new students who joined us for the evening and shared God’s leading in their lives—each one and each spouse taking turns to declare the saving work of God in their lives. They are from Brazil, Korea, Canada, and Singapore (the family from Singapore had to leave before we took this picture at the end of the evening so we regret they are not included).
Pray that God will bless all of our new students with superabounding grace in every way as they undertake their studies at PRTS and as their wives and families adjust to a very different culture from their own. Pray too that upon graduation in the future they will return to their own countries to proclaim the amazing gospel of Jesus Christ for lost sinners with heart, mind, and strength to the salvation of many, the maturation of believers, and the glory of the triune God!