Archives for March 18, 2022

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

Yesterday Mary and I drove to Allen Park, Michigan where we had an excellent dinner and warm fellowship with several Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (DBTS) faculty members and their spouses at the home of their president, Dr. David Doran. Today I was privileged to deliver the biannual Rice Lectures (so named after the founder of their seminary, which began in the 1970s) on the theme of coping with criticism in the ministry for a DBTS conference in their church (across the street from the seminary).

I spoke three times on the theme from (1) Old Testament examples—David and Nehemiah, (2) the example of Christ, and (3) 10 practical lessons on coping with criticism for today. Afterwards, I did a Q&A for the conference, and then did an interview for the DBTS “Theologically Driven” podcast. There were about 125 ministers, seminary students, and elders present. Books sold briskly—all but one box of the 12 boxes that we brought! It was a very enjoyable day indeed. Pray please that God will add His blessing.