Archives for January 18, 2022
Weekly Sermon Quote – January 16, 2022
The Christian’s Reasonable Service Reprinted

I am very excited that at long last Reformation Heritage Books has reprinted Wilhelmus à Brakel’s 4-volume set, “The Christian’s Reasonable Service” (about 3000 pages), which combines a very simply written systematic theology with ethics in a biblical, Reformed, and experiential way that addresses the mind and the soul equally well.
Brakel wrote this major work for church members and it was hugely popular in the Netherlands in the 18th century—in fact, it became nearly as popular as “Pilgrim’s Progress” in English. We have sold well over 20,000 sets of these precious volumes since Bart Elshout translated it and I edited it in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and have never received one complaint on the set. Thousands of ministers and church leaders have profited immensely from it. Brakel’s practical and experiential applications at the close of each chapter are worth their weight in gold.
I have often said that if I was put on a desert island and could choose to have only one book with me beside the Bible, I would definitely choose Brakel—not just because I would then get four books(!), but because of the amazing biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical material found in these volumes. This set of books is definitely a “must read” for every serious Christian who wants to grow in faith and holiness and in a close relationship with Christ. I am so very glad it is back in print (for the 8th time in 28 years)!